Summer Workshops

Our Summer Workshops are designed to get you started with Italian or make you more proficient. We use a number of tools and media (music, film, stories, games, etc...) to enhance your Italian learning experience.

Workshops are divided into sessions for Novice, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced learners. Each focuses on a single aspect of Italian: Grammar, comprehension, and communicating.

Each Workshop is 90 minutes and you can choose to take up to three. A single Workshop is $65, two are $120 and three workshops are $180.

Workshop Content:


  • Grammar:
    Rules of Agreement:
    How to structure sentences. Exercises to manage the structure of your conversation.
  • Comprehension:
    Ascoltare & Capire:
    Through the view of cultural videos, you will be encouraged to understand and discuss the meaning of each little skit.
  • Communicating:
    You will be guided to put together a short oral presentation without the help of the dictionary.

Advanced Beginners

  • Grammar:
    Parlare nel passato:
    How to narrate in past and present tense. Exercises to practice two past tenses.
  • Comprehension:
    Ascoltare & Capire:
    Through the view of cultural videos, you will be encouraged to understand and discuss the meaning of each little skit.
  • Communicating:
    You will be guided to put together a short oral presentation without the help of the dictionary.


  • Grammar:
    Breve viaggio nei vicoli della grammatica:
    You will focus on learning different uses of small and big grammar points. Exercises are designed to make you practice these tricky rules on-the-spot.
  • Comprehension:
    Storie ed interviste:
    Through the viewing of videos and interviews to native speakers, you will practice your ability to understand when more than ONE person is speaking…
  • Communicating:
    Raccontami una storia:
    Students will be guided to tell a story. An Italian contemporary short story will be provided in class and no dictionary will be allowed


  • Grammar:
    Tutte le regole che già conosci e non vuoi imparare: 
    This is a grammar class based on reviewing rules that you probably already know, but you cannot absorb… and we know there are many corners of the language like that! Exercises are designed to make you practice on-the-spot.
  • Comprehension:
    Guardiamo un film!
    Viewing a short film, you will be directed on how to successfully watch a film in Italian. No English subtitles will be involved.
  • Communicating:
    Tavola rotonda: 
    This is a session that requires a lot of talking and you will learn all the details in class. I promise it will be fun!


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